Thursday, March 1, 2012


todd.perrault@nwtc.eduJournal  one
1,I would say my level is high in innovation ,like a 8 because i am always trying to think of ways to make things simpler and cheaper.

2,Well i am not working right  now, full time dad and student .I do keep up with electrical ins and outs,they came out with gel connectors for wiring instead up using wire nuts to connect wires to each other.Well this really excites me ,it would elevate junction boxes for protecting wire conditions from the weather element ,there weather proof connectors for direct  under ground.   (

3,The class has open my mind up on whats around and how things are created and why .It also lets me know that i can tribute to the world by a simple though or simpler way of doing something.

      As far as barriers that i face with innovation and being creative .I really don't have time ,its not like i don't wont to because i do have a lot of ideas .Its that life's activates, limit my time ,and of course trying to find resources to finance .Innovation incoming up with new  a product or combining existing products to make a new product or services .